Sunday, December 18, 2011

Heavy Flow playing "Head is a Hive"

Heavy Flow is a band from Santa Barbara that popped up recently.  The band features members of Water Color Paintings and Girl Band.  This band is much darker than any of the previous members projects but the harmonies and plucky guitar translate well into this genre.  This also happens to be the first show I have shot with my new camera so enjoy the lush picture.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Beau Navire

Shot this with my friend Ramez at Sub-Mission.  Ramez threw this together the other night and it turned out quite lovely.  This was the last song in their set at the Touche Amore show earlier this month and damn did they end with a bang.  Basically watch and you'll get it but lets just say that the bass was in desperate need of new strings after this.

Beau Navire Blog
Beau Navire Bandcamp

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wild Moth

Wild Moth is a new band that just popped up in San Francisco not to long ago, they play driving, loud, and noisy punk music.   They have a 5 song EP coming out very soon that is sure to knock the socks off of everyone.  Keep an eye on these dudes for sure.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cool Ghouls

I have been meaning to put up this video for quite a while now.  Cool Ghouls are a rock band that has a sort of classic feel to them but as soon as you think you have them pegged they will start ripping it so hard.  This video is from before the Summer so they had a different drummer but Cool Ghouls are still playing all over SF and killin it.

Cool Ghouls Demo
Cool Ghouls Facebook

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Joyce Manor playing Leather Jacket

Joyce Manor are a rockin' 4 piece from Long Beach/Torrence CA.  The best dudes and the best tunes.  I got this video over Summer at the last show at "The Cabin", a local house show venue that Joyce often played at.  Enjoy the video and go do yourself a favor and find out more about these guys.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Harlem at Noise-Pop

This is a video that I shot and edited with a friend David Owens for the wedsite "The Show Up".  The video is from Noise Pop two years ago and is of the band Harlem.  Just throwing this up here for fun!  Enjoy.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


May 20th marked the first COOL GUY PARTY!  They are a series of concert/parties that are being put on by the nice gentlemen of Sprit Animal Productions.  Throughout the rest of Summer there will be more of these COOL GUY PARTIES!  You can stay posted on when the next one will be on facebook and the Spirit Animal website.

Bands featured are:
Poor Sons
Cool Ghouls
Black Cobra Viper
Grandma's Boyfriend

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Shananogans Performing "Ghost"

Shannon Bodrogi performs in solo act that she calls Shananogans.  This video is of her playing the bonus track off her recently recorded EP Bodrogynous.  She has the EP up for free download at her bandcamp and I am also throwing up a link to her facebook page just to make things easier for everyone.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Shot this a few moths back, enjoy!

Find more about the band at their website.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Joe's Shows!

Hey there rockin' people of the world I am Joe!  I play in a band and go to shows a lot. I also happen to be a film major at SFSU so I figured I would combine the two things I love and BOOM!  Joe's Shows is born.  If you like what you see feel free to get in touch with me and we can try and set it up so that I can shoot your band. 

Oh also I am undoubtedly going to fuck with your video and try to make it look cool so if you got a problem with that either deal with it or tell me to get rid or it.
