
This is the same link as for the band Matsuri but I had to put it in here because I appreciate what they are doing so hard.  They put on shows, put out releases and just generally take care of business.  I have
been to a lot of shows at their place and it rules supper hard.  Check it out if your ever in San Jose.

This is a zine that is brand spankin new.  A great Group of ladies has been working on this for quite a while now. You can not only go to their website of read the zine itself but you can be a contributor too!  So draw, write, take a picture of something and send it in.

Spirit Animal puts on shows, it's what they do and they are damn good at it.  Some of my favorite shows that I have played or been to have been Spirit Animal shows.  The Cool Guy Party I shot a video of was a Spirit Animal show and quite a fun one at that.  Get in touch to set up shows or just find out when one of these ragers are happening.

FMLY is just that, a damn BIG family.  There are a shit ton of people involved and I only know a few but they have done some really cool things.  One of my favorite things they do is their bike ride shows.  I got the pleasure of getting to play the 2nd ride show they ever set up in LA and the first one they set us in Santa Cruz and boy were They nuts!  If you are ever in LA on the first weekend of the month you should definitely go to one of those bike ride shows.  On top of that they do all sorts of other stuff so be sure and check them out.